Completed Hikes

NameLocationDistance (km)DatesDetails
Fife Coastal TrailScotland12020/03/18 – 23/03/18St Andrews – Inverkeithing
With JB
West Highland WayScotland15404/06/18 – 08/06/18With CN
Hadrian’s WallEngland13503/07/18 – 06/07/18Carlisle – Newcastle
Great Glen WayScotland11925/08/21 – 28/08/21With FN
Cape Wrath TrailScotland33014/05/21 – 27/05/22With CN
Three Capes TrackAustralia4003/10/22 – 04/10/22
Overland TrackAustralia87 (+27)07/11/22 – 13/10/22
Te AraroaNew Zealand302601/11/22 – 08/03/23
Affric-Kintail WayScotland5011/04/23 – 13/04/23Cannich – Morvich
With TB
East Highland WayScotland13430/04/23 – 04/05/23With JY
Skye TrailScotland 12822/05/23 – 26/05/23With FN, AB
Tour des Dents-du-MidiSwitzerland5812/07/24 – 13/07/24With TB
Haute RouteFrance/
20427/07/24 – Section Hike.
Tour du RuanFrance/
5606/09/24 – 08/09/24With RS, RM
GR20France19128/09/24 – 09/10/24With RS, RM, FN
Tamara Coast to CoastEngland14023/04/25 – 27/04/25With JB
South Downs WayEngland16028/04/25 – 02/05/25With EV, SS
Tour du Saint-BernardItaly/
8831/07/25 – 03/08/25With FN
Multi-day hiking, complete.

Wannabe Multi-Day Tramps

NameLocationDistance (km)Proposed DatesDetails
Continental Divide Trail (CDT)USA4870
Pacific Crest Trail (PCT)USA42702028?
South West Coastal Path (SWCP)England10102024-2027Section Hike. With JB
Pamir TrailTajikistan1000Still being built
Alaska Long Trail (AKT)USA800+Still being built
Jordan TrailJordan650With RM, RS?
KungsledenSweden4402025With JY
Trans Bhutan TrailBhutan400
Via Alpina 1Switzerland3902024Section Hike
Hebridean WayScotland3202024Bike Packing. With CN
Beara WayIreland2062025
Waitukubuli TrailDominica185With FN?
Tour des Ecrins, GR54France180
Tour du Mont BlancEurope165
Artic Circle Trail (ACT)Greenland160
Isle of Wight CircuitEngland1062024Fast Pack?
Tour de ChartreuseFrance101
Kokoda TrackPapa New Guinea96
Future hikes I have on my radar

These tables will only grow. If you have any hiking plans and want a partner to come with you, please, get in touch with me (my email address is on the “About Me” tab). I will most likely say yes if I am free! Additionally, if you want to join me on one of my future hikes, let me know! Always enjoy company!