Dear Family and Friends,

I have just spent the last week or so in Brisbane. Whilst I was there, I only then discovered that Brisbane has a nickname called “BrisVegas” and Queensland has been likened to Texas. Take that as you will.

I had a good time there though! A week was just about enough. I caught the train up from Sydney. A 14hr train ride leaving at 06:59 from Central in Sydney. I watched a handful of films on the train and managed to make large in-roads in to my book. I was at this point reading a book called Spinning Silver. Highly recommend, loved it. But yes, spent the day on the train, changing to a coach at Casino to arrive in Brisbane after it was dark. The train cut through NSW to QLD and the scenery was just gorgeous. Beaches skimmed by, we plunged through the heart of jungles and there was farmland as far as the eye could see. Freight trains also passed us at points, carrying up to and exceeding 100 cars of cargo.

In Brisbane, I was actually staying at a hostel that seemed more like a working holiday place than a traveller hostel. I would guestimate that about 60-70% of the people there were working a job. It was a cheap hostel run by loud Australians who called everyone “mate”.

Whilst in Brisbane though, I spent time browsing the city, especially the “interesting” areas of the West End and Fortitude Valley. That was fun, quite a few markets. I also went to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. I am not much of an animal person I will admit, but I had to take the opportunity to hold koalas, feed kangaroos and finally see a platypus in the flesh! I also had a nice conversation with a talking cockatoo.

I spent most of the evenings out at jazz bars or comedy clubs (there was a lot of Aussie slang being flung about!). I also went to a sports bar for the Wallabies vs. All Black game on Thursday. The All Blacks started winning, so everyone started drinking, getting angry. And then the Wallabies made a comeback and it became an excited, raucous ruckus. And then there was that ever so controversial decision at the end and the place went to ****. I ran for it at that point. Angry and passionate Australians were shouting at the screen, it was kinda hilarious to a neutral spectator. The place was up in arms! I also spoke to some of the tipsy supporters and when they learned I was from Scotland, they just had to keep quoting Braveheart at me haha

Finally, I spent a lot of time outdoors. There was the Mt. Coot-Tha national reserve sorta thing where there were plenty of good walks which I did. I also caught the bus out to Enoggera Reservoir where I walked around it for 3-4hrs. That was a good day. Splendid weather and wonderful scenery.

I caught the train back to Sydney (where some Aussies were desperate for a smoke. So, they did smoke. They did their thing, and then breathed out in to a plastic bag which they sealed between drags and then at the next stop, they opened the bag up outside to get rid of the exhaled smoke. Think they went through a pack), crashing for the evening at my family friend’s where I watched the funeral for the Queen. I watched three films on that train ride, and I had started my next book – the first in the Wheel of Time saga. My next stop? Katoomba, in the Blue Mountains, to do a spot of hiking hopefully!

Lots of love,



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